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Product Number 0801040067

  • Power: 550W
  • Idle speed: 19500 min-1
  • Dimensions L / W / H: 37 x 18 x 19.8 cm
  • Cutting depth: 0-1.5 mm
  • Knife width: 82mm
  • Equipment: carbide reversible grater blade, hex key
  • Possibility to extend the warranty by 12 months after registration of the machine on the official BOSCH website
14500лвOnline price

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Electric grater 550W 82 x 1.5mm PHO1500 0809050009-10-11-shkurka-za-lentov-shlajf-75-h-533mm-p60-5br-raider_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0802010226_246x246_pad_478b24840a
21049 лв


Electric grater PHO1500, manufactured by the German company BOSCH. The tool is incredibly compact, and its applications are versatile. The device can be used for planing materials that have more specific characteristics. In addition, the BOSCH model can reach a maximum cutting depth of 1.5 mm. Working with the planer is extremely easy and convenient, and when cutting the sawdust is caught and collected in the dust bag attached to the planer.

The model of the German company is one of a number of tools that carry the completely new Woodrazor function, which guarantees the efficiency of planing, as well as the quick change of the blades of the device. The PHO1500 is equipped with a fan, which contributes to easier and cleaner operation of the machine. Dust particles are removed, which contributes to the quality of the work performed by the planer.

Planing depth can reach up to 8 mm. The handle of the tool is characterized by convenience and effective design, which helps those who work with the device easier and longer to work with the model PHO1500. The tool is equipped with an automatic heel, which protects the appliance from scratches or damage to the treated part when the planer is set aside. The nominal power consumed by the machine is 550 W, while the idle speed characteristic of the device can reach 19500 rpm.Other main advantages of the planer are the knife, which is carbide, and a hex key, through which also guarantees the efficiency of the work performed.


Електрически рендета
82 х 1.5мм
19500 об/мин
24 месеца

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