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Product Number 0803040009

Paint spray gun manufactured by the Italian company BONEZZI. The painting device has an upper cistern. The capacity of the cistern is 1 liter, and the working pressure of the paint gun is 10 Bar.The diameter of the nozzle with which the painting tool works is 1. 5 mm, and the air nozzle is of the type 1/4".
5690лвOnline price

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Paint spray gun manufactured by the Italian company BONEZZI. The painting device has an upper cistern. The capacity of the cistern is 1 liter, and the working pressure of the paint gun is 10 Bar.The diameter of the nozzle with which the painting tool works is 1. 5 mm, and the air nozzle is of the type 1/4".
The size of the paint gun is compact enough, which allows users to use it, even in narrower and hard to reach places.The length of the paint gun is 172 mm, the width is 172 mm and the height is 344 mm.
Although made entirely of steel and aluminum, the spray gun has a low weight (only 553 grams), which allows its long-term use for painting large areas.
The tool can be used by both professionals and amateur craftsmen.The device has an airbrush nozzle, and the permissible liquids that can be handled are mostly paints.


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