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Product Number 0803040026

  • Type: electric
  • For any type of paint
  • With lower cistern
  • Power: 440W
  • Output flow: 200 ml / min
  • Capacity 1.5sq.m / min
  • Tank volume: 800 ml
  • Length of the hose: 1.25 m
  • Possibility to extend the warranty by 12 months after registration of the machine on the official BOSCH website
17900lvOnline price

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Electric spray gun 440W, 200ml / min, 800ml tank PFS 2000 0206030314-tikso-za-bojadisvane_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0808010094-95-105_246x246_pad_478b24840a
19014 lv


Professional electric spray gun PFS 2000 of the BOSCH brand. The model has a lower cistern. The tool is equipped with all the innovations that are characteristic of products of this type, created by BOSCH. It is equipped with Spray Control and All Paint systems. Any type of paint can be easily applied with the appliance. The amount of paint is easily controlled thanks to the Easy Select switch.
The paint gun is extremely compact and can be attached to a belt or ladder. The device has an ergonomic design and a comfortable handle, which contributes to long and efficient operation. The paint gun has a power of 440W, and its output flow rate is 200ml/min. The paint is applied within 1.5 sq.m/min. The volume of the tank is 800 ml and the length of the hose is 1.25 m. The total weight of the BOSCH model is 2 kg.
IMPORTANT! When using the water-based paint spray gun, always strain them before use to prevent the nozzle from clogging.


Електрически пистолети за боядисване
С долно казанче
24 месеца

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