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Product Number 0502030033

  • Contains coniferous bark
  • Prevents the growth of weeds
  • Retains heat and moisture, promotes the formation of humus
  • Prevents injury to stems
  • Packaging: 50 l
2099лвOnline price

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Mulch for roses 50l 0502030039-substrat_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502030077-mulchova-kora-70l_246x246_pad_478b24840a
7197 лв


Mulch for roses of the AGRO brand. Contains coniferous bark and is used for fertilizing roses. Prevents the growth of weeds, retains heat and moisture, protects plants from freezing, promotes the formation of humus.Mulch is placed around the stems of plants. Thanks to it, the soil remains moist during the dry summer days, weeds decrease and the soil structure improves as humus is added to it. Mulch prevents damage to tree trunks and shrubs when using garden equipment. Plants also get a richer root system, as they develop additional roots in mulch. The product is available in a package of 50 liters.


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