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Product Number 0705080090

Прахосмукачка BOSCH BGL2C110 с метални телескопични тръби, енергиен клас "C" и мощност 750W. Прахосмукачката BOSCH има висока ефективност на почистване и разполага с торба за прах с голям обем - 3,5л.
16900лвOnline price

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Vacuum cleaner BOSCH BGL2C110 with metal telescopic tubes , energy class "C" and power 750W. The BOSCH vacuum cleaner has a high cleaning efficiency and has a dust bag with a large volume - 3. 5 liters.It is equipped with a hygienic filter for clean exhaust air and is convenient to carry, thanks to its compact size.
The BOSCH BGL2C110 vacuum cleaner has a new innovative HiSpin motor with aerodynamic blades. Thanks to them, the vacuum cleaner has a high level of dust absorption with low energy consumption.
Amenities offered by the BOSCH vacuum cleaner:
- Adjustable floor attachment
- Joint for joints and brush for upholstery
- Telescopic tube, ergonomic handle
- Dust bag change indicator
- Small dimensions - depth 370 mm, height 260 mm, width 295 mm

Additional information about the item can be found in the "Technical Documentation".


С торба
24 месеца

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