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Product Number 0705080207

  • Energy efficiency class: A
  • Average annual energy consumption: 28 kWh
  • Dust emission class: A
  • Carpet cleaning class: D
  • Class for cleaning hard floors: A
  • Power: 700W
  • Container capacity: 1.5 l
  • Telescopic tubes, washable PureAir filter, dust container
15900lvTop price

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Vacuum cleaner with dry cleaning container 700W, 1.5 l, PureAir filter, BGS05A220 0705070116-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0705060184-elektricheska-kana-za-voda-1-0l-1500-w-inox-r51230-j-rosberg-psd_246x246_pad_478b24840a
21599 lv


Vacuum cleaner for dry cleaning with BOSCH BGS05A220 container. The vacuum cleaner has a power of 700W, a container capacity of 1.5 liters and a metal telescopic tube. It has a low weight, which will contribute to the comfort of its use. It is equipped with an innovative HiSpin motor with aerodynamic blades and excellently calibrated airflow for high dust absorption with low energy consumption, as well as a washable PureAir filter. Vacuum cleaners with this filter capture more of the fine dust, which means that the air expelled from the vacuum cleaner will be significantly purified for a healthier environment. The model has a dust emission class A.
For extra comfort, the vacuum cleaner is equipped with several different nozzles, which are designed for cleaning different types of surfaces. It is also equipped with large wheels for easy movement from room to room, as well as a long power cord.

  • Energy efficiency class: A
  • Average annual energy consumption: 28 kWh
  • Dust emission class: A
  • Carpet cleaning class: D
  • Class for cleaning hard floors: A
  • Sound power level: 78 dB(A)
  • Range: 9 meters


  • Highly efficient dust extraction system
  • Useful volume of the dust container: L
  • Washable PureAir filter

Tips and accessories:

  • Ergonomic handle
  • Telescopic tube
  • Adjustable floor attachment
  • 2 additional tips: for upholstery and for joints


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24 месеца

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  • Здравейте , този филтър за пречистване на въздуха по-добър ли е или по-неефективен от HEPA филтрите?

    Недялко Ганев
    вижте 1 отговора
    1. Веселин Люцканов - администратор

      Здравейте! И двата филтъра са от един и същи клас на качество относно пречистването на въздуха, така че съществени разлики помежду им в това отношение не съществуват. Това означава, че категоричен и еднозначен отговор кой от двата филртъра е по-ефективен не може да се даде.

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