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Product Number 0204030006

Продуктът представлява полимерна мазилка с декоративен мозаечен ефект и благодарение на пастообразната си форма е готова за полагане. Мазилката е предназначена за декоративно оформяне на цели фасади, фасадни елементи и вътрешни помещения.
8165лвOnline price

Бърза доставка

Преглед на пратката

Право на връщане


Polymer plaster Decor of TERAZID with decorative mosaic effect and thanks to its pasty shape is ready for application. The plaster is designed for decorative design of entire facades, facade elements and interiors. Waterproof, does not wear out and guarantees durable colors. Suitable for laying plinth elements on walls exposed to moisture and buildings. The product is washable and waterproof and is recommended for interior finishes such as corridors, staircases, halls and lobbies. The plaster is applied on a dry and smooth base pre-treated with universal primer Terazid G-33 for better adhesion. Do not apply on frozen or wet coatings or surfaces. It is applied at a temperature between +5°С and +25°С and retains its properties at a temperature between -25°С and +60°С.


Мозаечни мазилки

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