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Product Number 0204030092

  • Silicone plaster white NEW scratched on CAPAROL
  • With high water vapor permeability
  • Hard to ignite
  • Resistant to weathering, hydrophobic, environmentally friendly, low odor
  • UV resistance
  • Water soluble, with protection against water-loving organisms, mold, mildew
14600лвOnline price

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Silicone plaster white NEW Silicon Fassadenputz K20 scratched 2mm 25kg 0202010126-lazuren-lak-life-style-2-5l1_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0203030259-275-emulsionna-ekologichna-boja-vito-eco-1l-bjala-baza-bw_246x246_pad_478b24840a
19198 лв


Silicone scratched plaster with high water vapor permeability. It is applied as a final layer in thermal insulation systems Capatect, concrete, plasters from groups PII + PIII, surfaces coated with dispersion paints, bearing silicone coatings. It is not recommended to apply on surfaces with saline fluorescence, as well as plastic or wooden surfaces.
Properties: flame retardant, high permeability to water vapor, resistant to adverse weather conditions, hydrophobic, environmentally friendly, low odor, long-term color fastness to UV rays, water soluble, with a protective film against water-loving organisms, mold and mildew.


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