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Product Number 0204020063

Висококачествена фасадна боя с полуматов краен ефект за външни стени във всякакъв вид строителство. Служи като декорация и защита против неблагоприятни атмосферни условия. Продуктът се нанася върху бетон, тухли, производни и шпакловани стени, фиброцимент, цимент, порест бетон и други повърхности предварително грундирани.
2915лвOnline price

Бърза доставка

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Право на връщане


High quality facade paint with semi-matt finish for exterior walls in any type of construction. Serves as decoration and protection against adverse weather conditions. The product is applied on concrete, bricks, derivatives and plastered walls, fiber cement, cement, aerated concrete and other pre-primed surfaces. Prior to application, the surfaces are cleaned of dust, brushed and badly adhered paints are removed. The surface can be impregnated in the presence of mold and fungus.

Each coat dries in about 2 hours (at 23°C and 50% humidity), but it is recommended to wait at least 6 hours between applying the first and second coats. The product is applied with a teddy bear with synthetic hair 10-15 mm, brush or airless gun and covers 10 sq.m/l.



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