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Product Number 0102010318

  • Wall mounting
  • With 1 handle
  • Purpose: for bath / shower
  • Ceramic closing mechanism 46 mm
  • Automatic bath / shower switch
  • Aerator
  • Flow and water flow regulation
  • Connection: with 2 pcs. eccentrics and 2 pcs. sockets
20910lvOnline price

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Wall-mounted bath / shower mixer Start Loop 0102030242-trybno-okachvane-vitalio-go100-60sm-s-rychen-dush-i-shlauh_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0102010737-grohe-start_246x246_pad_478b24840a
42845 lv


Wall-mounted mixer for bath/shower from the Start Loop series of the GROHE brand with 46 mm ceramic closing mechanism. The wall-mounted bathroom faucet is single-lever with indication of hot and cold water. It is made of solid, thick and high quality metal alloy. It has an automatic switch for bath/shower, as well as an aerator, thanks to which you will save water. There is also a system for lower water consumption and perfect water flow.
The GROHE faucet is mounted via a standard connection - with 2 eccentrics and 2 sockets.
The faucet has a beautiful, elegant and modern design, suitable for your stylish bathroom.
For more stylish, elegant and modern solutions related to furnishing your bathroom, you can visit our product group Bathroom.


За вана/душ
60 месеца
Start Loop

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