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Product Number 0203020034

  • Water-soluble interior paint - colored latex
  • For painting walls and ceilings indoors
  • Increased resistance to abrasion and washing
  • Creates a smooth, long-lasting coating, resistant to aging
  • Dilution: if necessary with up to 5-10% water
  • Apply with a brush, roller or paint gun
  • For best results, it is recommended to apply in two layers
  • Consumption rate: 100-120 ml / sq.m. per layer
  • Complete drying time: 3 hours
  • Color and effect: Burgundy red, matt
  • Packing: 2.5 l
дни часа мин сек
Офертата е валидна от 01.03.2025 до 30.03.2025

Често купувани заедно

Latex Color Weekend Burgundy red 2.5l matt 0206010156-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0206010106-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
3297 lv


Water-based interior paint - color latex Color Weekend DEKORATOR in burgundy red with a matte effect. It is a water-soluble coating for interior painting, resistant to abrasion and washing. Colored latex is suitable for use in shops, homes, hotels, offices, schools, restaurants, kindergartens, public buildings and more. It is also used as a decorative protection for lime-cement and cement surfaces.

Latex can be applied on old surfaces that are strong, without cracks, well cleaned and degreased. It is also suitable for application on new surfaces that have been pre-primed with a suitable primer.

For best results and to achieve saturated color, it is recommended to apply the colored latex in two layers (at intervals of 3 hours). A paint roller, brush or paint spray gun is used for application. Immediately after use, tools should be washed with water. The product is ready for use, but if necessary it can be diluted with up to 5-10% water.

Consumption rate: about 100-120 ml/sq.m. per layer. The applied layer dries completely in 3 hours at a temperature of 20°C and normal humidity.


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1 Въпроси
1 Отговори
  • За боядисване 53 м2. колко кутии по 2,5 л за двукратно минаване с латекс

    Иглика Филипова
    вижте 1 отговора
    1. Веселин Люцканов - администратор

      Здравейте! След като разходната норма на латекса е 100-120мл/кв.м, то се предполага, че 4 кутии ще са Ви достатъчни, тъй като при втората ръка желаната покривност се постига с по-малко боя. Освен това продуктът е готов за употреба, но подлежи и на разреждане с 5-10% вода.
      Все пак всичко зависи от състоянието на повърхността, която ще се боядисва. Ако тя е такава, че касае голям разход, можете да се застраховате и с поръчка на 5 кутии латекс.

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