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Product Number 1103020002

  • Aerated concrete block D400
  • Dimensions length/height: 600 x 250 mm
  • Thickness: 75 mm
  • Density: 400 kg/cu.m
  • Declared strength: 2.5 MPa
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient λ10 dry = 0.11 W/mK
  • The advertised price is for a pallet: 1.33 cubic meters (102 pieces + 12 pieces with a thickness of 100 mm)
34090lvTop price

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Aerated concrete block D400 75 mm 1.33 m3 / pallet 102/12 pieces YTONG 1101080006-weber-100-g-0_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1101080036-lepilen-zidarski-raztvor_246x246_pad_478b24840a
36138 lv


Aerated concrete block D400 YTONG. For the construction of 1 m2 of masonry, 6.67 blocks are always needed, regardless of the thickness.

  • Block dimensions: Length 600 mm, Height 250 mm, Thickness 75 mm
  • Quantity per pallet: 102 pieces with a thickness of 75 mm + 12 pieces with a thickness of 100 mm
  • Volume: 1.33 m3/pallet
  • Density: 400 kg/m3
  • Declared strength: 2.5 MPa
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient λ10 dry = 0.11 W/mK



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