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Product Number 1101110010

Шпакловка за бетон ARDEX В12 в разфасовка от 25кг за заглаждане и запълване на вдлъбнатини. Шпакловката за бетон е на циментова основа. Устойчив е на вода и метеорологични условия.
13026лвOnline price

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Право на връщане


Cement-based concrete putty ARDEX B12 for indoor and outdoor use. It is used for smoothing, correcting and plastering surfaces of:
- Facade elements of visible concrete
- Prefabricated concrete details
- Cement or lime plaster
"Rough masonry. "
Plaster ARDEX B12 fills cracks, holes and large depressions in walls and ceilings. Smoothes surfaces of aerated concrete interior walls. Ardex B12 is resistant to water and weather conditions.
Mixing with water produces a pasty, smooth, stable solution that can be easily treated by hydration and drying. It is resistant to water and weather conditions.Practically adheres to any suitable base without separation.

Additional information on the cost rate and the method of processing can be found in the "Technical Documentation" .


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