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Product Number 1101090010

  • High-strength cement-based grout
  • For outdoor and indoor walls and floors
  • For joints over 4 mm wide
  • For grouting tiles in workshops, car washes, swimming pools, industrial surfaces, stairs, subways, balconies and terraces
  • Resistant to high mechanical loads and wear
  • Color and packaging: gray, 25 kg
  • Cost: depends on the size of the joint
14589лвOnline price
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High-strength grout ARDEX GK for indoor and outdoor use, walls and floors.


  • Terracotta and granite tiles
  • Concrete slabs
  • Natural stone slabs (non-hygroscopic)
  • Ceramic tiles and clinkers
  • Facade elements and glass blocks in workshops, car washes, swimming pools, industrial surfaces, stairs, subways, balconies and terraces

The grout is suitable for joints over 4 mm wide. ARDEX GK grout is cold-resistant and alkali-resistant according to ONORM 3303. It is resistant to steam stress, high temperatures and conventional cleaning agents. Resistant to high mechanical loads and wear. The grout is suitable for walking after 1.5 hours.



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