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Product Number 1101010002

  • Ardurit X7G flex tile adhesive
  • Packaging of 25 kg
  • Thin-layer cement-based adhesive solution
  • Waterproof, cold resistant and elastic
  • For gluing faience and terracotta, granite, natural stones and insulating building materials
5829лвOnline price

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Flex tile adhesive Ardurit X7G ARDEX is mainly used for gluing faience and terracotta, granite, natural stones and insulating building materials. Ardurit X7G ARDEX is a thin-layer solution no DIN 18 156-M. Non-combustible building material Class A 1 according to DIN 4102. Certificate PA-III 4.53. Meets the requirements of EN 12004 for adhesive solution class C2 TE / S1. Applicable in drinking water tanks.

Tile adhesive can be used for gluing on:

  • faience and terracotta floors, walls and ceilings, granite, glass and porcelain mosaic
  • rigid polystyrene foams, polyurethane, phenolic resin.
  • on screeds with underfloor heating
  • for gluing highly profiled tiles of different thickness on a thicker layer of the solution using a rough comb.
  • Bonding of lightweight, thermal insulation, insulating and transparent boards
  • Placing ceramic tiles in drinking water tanks

Sand can be added to the X7G.

Additional information about the product, the consumption rate and the method of processing can be found in the "Technical documentation".



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