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Product Number 0705020070

Мини фурна SP 1441 NSB е подходяща за грил, печене и затопляне. Разполага с таймер със звънец и избор между 4 типа на загряване. В комплекта са включени скара и тава. Вратичката на мини фурна SP 1441 NSB е изработена от висококачествено термо-стъкло.
4990лвOnline price

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Mini-oven SAPIR SP1441-NSB with power 600W and volume 10 l. Suitable for grilling, baking and heating. Ideal for making sandwiches, but also suitable for other dishes. In it you can bake, for example, pizza with a diameter of 22 cm or 4 slices of bread.

The body of the device is black, made of high quality stainless steel and thermo glass door. This ensures greater safety when operating the mini-oven. For added security, the baking appliance is equipped with a light indicator, which makes it easier to control the cooking process. The mini-oven has 3 types of heating, which makes it incredibly easy for the hosts. The mini-oven timer is 15 minutes long, has a bell and guarantees better preparation of sandwiches and dishes. The baking appliance comes with a tray and a grill, which are included in the set. Baking sandwiches can always be stopped with the STOP button on the appliance. The mini oven is easy to maintain and clean. Comes with a removable crumb tray.


24 месеца

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