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Product Number 0703050048

Универсална стойка за конвекторни и инфрачервени радиатори. Стойката е съвместима с всички марки радиатори - френски, норвежки, финландски както и на българските Tesy, Eldom, Diplomat, Finlux и др.
3099лвOnline price

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The universal convector stand is compatible with all brands of infrared and convector radiator. It is suitable for all brands - French, Norwegian, Finnish and Bulgarian Tesy, Eldom, Diplomat, Finlux and others.
The stand makes the convector easy to move from one room to another, as well as avoids attaching them to a wall without violating the principle of their operation.
The universal convector stand is equipped with wheels for easy moving. It is made of steel and is 41 cm high.


Стойки за конвектори

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