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Product Number 0702030086

Вертикален бойлер TESY GCV 80/36/24D A04 TS2R с мощност 2.4kW и обем 80 литра. Стъклокерамичното покритие на бойлера TESY, осигурява надеждна защита от корозия и висока хигиена на водата.
18614лвSpecial price

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Vertical water heater TESY GCV 80/36/24D A04 TS2R with power 2.4kW and volume 80 liters. The glass-ceramic coating of the TESY boiler provides reliable protection against corrosion and high water hygiene. The TESY vertical boiler has 18 mm insulation. In highly effective thermal insulation of directly extruded polyurethane. This guarantees minimal heat loss and economical operation of the appliance.
The time for heating the water from 16°С to 65°С is 3 hours and 52 minutes, and at the maximum power of 2400W, the time is 1 hour and 56 minutes.
Boiler TESY GCV 80/36/24D A04 TS2R is equipped with:
- Switch with two power levels
- Thermoindicator with 4 temperature modes
- Non-return valve
The dimensions of the boiler are (H/W/L): 1130 x 370 x 350 mm.

Additional information about the item can be found in the "Technical Documentation".


60 месеца

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