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Product Number 0702030005

Вертикален бойлер ELDOM с мощност 3kW и вместимост 120 литра. Притежава висока устойчивост на корозия, благодарение на съвременната технология за течно емайлиране и два анодни протектора.
27900лвOnline price

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Energy saving vertical boiler ELDOM with power 3kW and capacity 120 liters. The boiler has high corrosion resistance , thanks to modern liquid enameling technology and both anode protectors.
It is energy saving , thanks to the dense insulation of freon-free polyurethane foam with a thickness of 35 mm. Provides extremely low heat loss and saves money.
With its unique six-level protection , the vertical water heater is safe and secure.
There is a low coil with an increased area.
The boiler is equipped with:
- External thermostat
- Temperature indicator, reading the water temperature
- Combined metal valve combining the functions of balance, non-return and differential valve
- Specific elliptical flange
An anode tester can be attached to the energy-saving vertical water heater of ELDOM.
The dimensions of the boiler are 460 mm X 1160 mm.

Additional information about the item can be found in the "Technical Documentation".


Вертикални бойлери
60 месеца

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