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Product Number 0807030020

Акрилен грунд 300, цвят бял, с превъзходна антикорозионна защита и отлична изолация между полиестерния кит и акрилната боя. Характеризира се с отлично запълващо свойство, позволяващо да се запълват драскотини от средна величина, получени при обработката на предния слой.
2739лвOnline price

Бърза доставка

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Право на връщане


Acrylic primer NOVOL 300, white color, with excellent corrosion protection and excellent insulation between polyester putty and acrylic paint. It is characterized by excellent filling properties, allowing to fill scratches of medium size, obtained by processing the front layer. Can be applied on old lacquer coating, polyester putty (including liquid putty), iron, aluminum, galvanized sheet, reactive primer, plastic surfaces, polyester laminates. It is applied with a paint spray gun (in a ratio of 4+1+25% thinner) in two layers with an interval of 5 to 10 minutes between them. Each layer is 30 to 40 де thick. Working hardness reaches 3 hours at 200° C or 30 minutes at 600°C. The package includes 1 liter. primer + hardener and allows to cover approximately 5 m2 dry layer with a thickness of 100 µm.



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