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Product Number 0606050058

  • Set of 10 pieces
  • Capacity: 120 l
  • Dimensions: 70 x 100 cm
  • With handles for safe and convenient carrying
569лвOnline price

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Garbage bags with handles 120l, 10 pcs. 0606050136-torbi-za-smet-multitop-60l-14br-aromatizirani-s-ushichki_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0606050030-torbi-za-smet-s-vryzki-120l-10br-eco-line_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1727 лв


Multifunctional garbage bags of the SPOKAR brand. The bags have a capacity of 120 liters and dimensions of 70 x 100 cm. Available in a set of 10 pieces.
Garbage bags are extremely efficient when you are on the road or on a trip. Black envelopes are easy and convenient to use. With them you can carry luggage, clothes, wrap furniture and more.
Garbage bags are available with handles, which ensures their safe and at the same time convenient and easy to carry. They save time and money with their compact shape and durability. You don't need big luggage bags or foil to cover loads. The bags will do all this without much effort and time in their packaging. In addition to carrying smaller loads, clothes, etc., they can store garbage and garbage.
The bags are made of materials that do not retain dirt and are hygienic. This ensures efficient storage of rubbish and rubbish outside the home, without worrying about the appearance of odors or unpleasant bacteria.


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