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Product Number 0605010295

  • Removes layers on tiles, sinks, bathtubs, showers, faucets
  • Protects against the appearance of bacteria and spores
  • May not be diluted with water
  • Instant action
  • Packaging: 500 ml
1789лвOnline price

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Bath and sanitary cleaner 500ml, spray 0605010297-preparat-za-pochistvane-na-dushkabini-500-ml-mellerud_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0605010511_246x246_pad_478b24840a
4127 лв


First-class cleaner for bathroom, faience and sanitary ware of the MELLERUD brand in the form of a spray. The product is especially effective when it is necessary to remove layers on tiles, sinks, bathtubs, showers, faucets, jacuzzis, toilets, bidets, urinals and more.
The detergent for bath and sanitation is also useful in counteracting the appearance of bacteria and spores. It refreshes toilets and wet rooms, giving them a characteristic shine, gloss and cleanliness. It can be applied on contaminated surfaces, even without diluting with water. Once the MELLERUD product has been applied to the sanitary coatings, they can be treated with a sponge or brush. Then the detergent is washed thoroughly with water, and its action is instantaneous.
The best news is that no additional polishing of the affected surfaces is required. It is not recommended to use the product on acid-sensitive surfaces.
The product is available in a package of 500 ml.


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