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Product Number 0603050212

Лъжица с тефлоново покритие и дължина 32 см.
485lvOnline price

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TESCOMA Space Line Teflon-coated serving spoon. First-class kitchen utensils with a length of 32 cm. It is a practical and convenient assistant for every cook.
Teflon-coated utensils are particularly suitable for use in non-stick cookware and prevent scratches. Withstand temperatures up to 210°C, do not absorb odors, flavors and colors of dishes. Kitchen utensils with such a coating are resistant to aging and allow easy washing.
The Teflon serving spoon is equipped with a convenient hanging hole. It combines best with the other utensils in the series, with which it forms a stylish kitchen configuration. It combines best with the other utensils in the series, with which it forms a stylish kitchen configuration.


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