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Product Number 0101010151

Водоустойчив PVC шкаф за баня с порцеланова мивка от серията САНДИ на ГУРЦОВ с размери 55 х 38.8 х 84. Шкафът за баня има две вратички с плавно затваряне и стабилни крачета с регулируема височина за по-голямо удобство при монтиране.
22000лвOnline price

Бърза доставка

Преглед на пратката

Право на връщане


Waterproof PVC bathroom cabinet with porcelain sink from the GURTSOV Sandy series. The cabinet measures 55 x 38.8 x 84 cm.
The model has two doors. It is designed for standing installation on legs that are adjustable in height.
The faucet does not include a mixer tap. You can see our proposals for bathroom faucets in the category Bathroom faucets .
The original design and functionality of the PVC cabinet with bathroom sink Sandy bring style, coziness and contribute to additional comfort in the bathroom. Waterproof furniture can be combined perfectly with almost all models of bathroom furniture, but mostly with PVC cabinet with mirror SANDY 54 x 14.3 x 60 cm GURTSOV.
Waterproof bathroom furniture is high quality, made to high standards and has an elegant, stylish and modern design.
Apart from the bathroom, PVC furniture is also suitable for any other room. They are resistant to deformation, swelling, breakage or bending.
GURTSOV PVC bathroom furniture is made in Bulgaria.


Шкаф с мивка
На крачета
55 х 38.8 х 84см

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    1. Веселин Люцканов - администратор

      Здравейте! Продуктът с арт. №0101010151 /PVC Шкаф с мивка за баня САНДИ 55 х 38.8 х 84см/ се предлага само в бяло.

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