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Product Number 0205020055

Нанопокритие за камък и дърво 50мл PERCENTA Нанопокритието за дърво и камък е препарат за импрегниране, който образува невидим слой, изолиращ напълно повърхността от проникване на течности, замърсяване, влиянието на UV-лъчи, отрицателни температури.
755лвSpecial price

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Право на връщане


The nanocoating for wood and stone is an impregnating agent that forms an invisible layer, completely isolating the surface from the penetration of liquids, dirt, the influence of UV rays, negative temperatures.
The product for impregnation of wood and stone is suitable for porous materials, as when applied it absorbs into the pores and tightly envelops the particles separately, without interfering with air permeability.
It does not allow water penetration, therefore at negative temperatures it prevents cracking.
Protects the surface of the wood from destruction due to the weather.
Prevents the appearance of moss, green deposits on the sealed material.
Contaminants, including grease and oil, should only be cleaned with water.
Protects the surface in the long run from water, dirt, grease and oils.
Does not visually change the appearance of the surface - no color or shine.
The ability of the sealed material to breathe is preserved.
Harmless to humans and the environment.
Long-lasting effect - up to 15 years.


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