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Product Number 0201010221

Алкидна боя Lifestyle Dekorator на МЕГАХИМ за вътрешна и външна употреба. Алкидната боя създава устойчиво покритие върху предварително грундирани дървени, метални и други повърхности. Може също да се нанася върху врати, прозорци, огради и др.
699лвOnline price

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MEGACHIM Lifestyle Decorator Alkyd Paint for indoor and outdoor use. Alkyd paint creates a durable coating on pre-primed wood, metal and other surfaces. It can also be applied on doors, windows, fences, etc.
How to use: Before applying, the alkyd paint Lifestyle Dekorator should be mixed well. Apply on well-cleaned surfaces.
When using the product on new surfaces, they must be primed.
Lifestyle Dekorator is applied with a paint roller, paint brush or paint gun. If necessary, the product can be diluted with MPT or AMB thinner.
Dry up to 24 hours at a temperature of 20°C.
The consumption rate is 100-120 ml/sq.m.


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