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Product Number 0601010016

  • Dimensions: 53.5 x 42.5 x 16.5 cm
  • Countertop thickness: 0.7mm
  • Complete with siphon, brackets and seals
  • With tap hole and dispenser space
  • Resistance to strong detergents
  • Easy to clean and maintain
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Офертата е валидна от 01.01.2025 до 30.01.2025
5942лвPromo price 6990лвOld price

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Alpaca kitchen sink 53.5 x 42.5 x 16.5 cm 0702010061-elektricheski-vodonagrevatel-3000-w-stojasht-s-gyvkav-chuchur-i-displej-r57100-bfw_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0102010503-smesitel-za-umivalnik-s-chupeshtasdaa-lebedka_246x246_pad_478b24840a
16391 лв


Single kitchen sink alpaca for built-in brand INTER CERAMIC. The alpaca kitchen sink has a chrome finish. Comes complete with siphon - top and bottom, clamps and seals.

The alpaca kitchen sink is beautiful, hygienic and practical. Easy to clean and maintain. The kitchen sink is made of INTER CERAMIC stainless steel resistant to high temperatures, physical exertion and strong detergents . It has a standard hole for a standing kitchen sink faucet. There is also a place to place a dispenser for faith.

The single alpaca kitchen sink of INTER CERAMIC measures 53.5 x 42.5 x 16.5 cm. The thickness of the countertop is 0.7 mm.

The sink is available without a mixer included. You can check out our suggestions for kitchen faucets in the category kitchen mixer.


53.5 х 42.5 х 16.5см
24 месеца

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