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Product Number 1102050011

  • Cement waterproofing Aquastop of BORO for indoor and outdoor use
  • Contains fiber
  • For application on walls and floors, in cellars, foundations of buildings
  • Operating temperature: +5°C to +30°C
  • Consumption rate: 4 kg/ a thickness of the applied layer of 2-3 mm
1249lvOnline price

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Cement waterproofing 5 kg Aquastop 1 1106050016-new2_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1106050001-hidroizolacionna-lenta_246x246_pad_478b24840a
6307 lv


Cement waterproofing Aquastop by BORO, designed for indoor and outdoor use. It can be applied on walls and floors of wet rooms, cellars, foundations of buildings that have contact with the ground, as additional insulation against capillary moisture. This is done immediately before laying the ceramic coatings. The Aquastop product is also used as an internal waterproofing in sewage treatment plants and water tanks. The main qualities and advantages of cement insulation are:

  • fiber content,
  • resistance to atmospheric influences,
  • excellent water resistance,
  • good vapor permeability,
  • excellent adhesion to concrete foundations, plaster and masonry,
  • It is developed according to the Bulgarian standards and is made according to the requirements of BDS EN 14891.

The consumption rate of Aquastop is 4 kg/sq.m with a layer thickness of 2-3 mm. Unsuitable bases for applying cement waterproofing are plastic, metal and glass. Aquastop 1 solution can be applied with a brush and trowel. The operating temperature at which the hydrosiolation is applied is in the range from +5°C to +30°C. It is not desirable to add to Aquastop 1 other, different or similar products. 25 kg. cement waterproofing is mixed with 6.5-7 liters of water to obtain the desired quality and characteristics consistency. The effectiveness of the solution is manifested when at least two layers are applied, which have a total thickness of 2-2. 5 mm.In areas that leak more water, the layers may be more.



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