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Product Number 1102030006

Минерална каменна вата ISOVER с размер 1000 х 600мм и дебелина 50мм. Един пакет от каменната минерална вата може да покрие площ от 4.8кв.м. Намира приложение за всички видове топлоизолация, звукоизолация и пожаробезопасна изолация на жилищни и индустриални сгради. Използва се и там, където продуктът не е подложен на механични натоварвания.
1800лвOnline price

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ISOVER mineral stone wool with size 1000 x 600 mm and thickness 50 mm. One package of stone mineral wool can cover an area of 4.8 square meters.
It is used for all types of thermal insulation, sound insulation and fire safety insulation of residential and industrial buildings.It is also used where the product is not subjected to mechanical loads.
Stone mineral wool can be used in solutions for:
- Thermal and sound insulation of external walls and metal structures
- Thermal and sound insulation of interior walls, light partition walls and pre-wall cladding
- Thermal and sound insulation of external walls and metal cassettes for layered installation
- Thermal insulation and sound insulation of suspended ceilings
- Thermal insulation and sound insulation of interior walls
- Thermal insulation and sound insulation of skeletal metal structures
Advantages of stone mineral wool:
- Very good thermal insulation properties
- Fire resistance
- Excellent sound absorption
- High vapor permeability
- Environmentally friendly
- Completely hydrophobic
- Durable
- Resistant to insects
- Easy and fast installation
- Thermal conductivity: 0. 04 W/mK
- Fire behavior: Euroclass A1



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