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Product Number 1101090128

Фугираща смес Фугаколор Флекс в цвят шоколад 1 кг на БОРО е водоустойчива, позволява лесна обработка и лесно почистване. За фугиране на фаянс, теракота, мрамор, гранит, каменни облицовки, зидария от стъклени тухли, керамична мозайка и др.
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Бърза доставка

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Fugacolor Flex grout with chocolate color. It is designed for indoor and outdoor use. It can easily fill joints up to 8 mm wide. The BORO mixture is especially effective when faience, terracotta, marble, granite, stone cladding, glass brick masonry, ceramic mosaics, etc. have to be processed. Its main advantages and distinctive features are:
- fiber content,
- protection against pollution,
- low water absorption,
- high resistance to abrasion wear,
- increased adhesion to the sides of the tiles,
- does not crack,
- elasticity,
- excellent light fastness,
- does not shrink on drying,
- meets the Bulgarian standards and is produced according to the categorization BDS EN 13888 type CG class 2WA.
The solution should be used at an operating temperature of +5°C to +35°C. The BORO product is diluted in the ratio: 1 kg.grouting mixture to 0.260-0. 280 liters of water, when the joints are up to 8 mm wide. Can be applied with a rubber spatula. The consumption rate of the solution is:
- 0.2 kg dry mix, for joints with a size of 2 mm,
- 0.3kg. for joints of 3 mm,
- 0.4kg. for joints 4mm.



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