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Product Number 1101090074

Фугираща смес CERESIT СЕ 40 - използва се за фугиране на подови настилки и стенни облицовки от гранитогрес, керамични, стъклени и каменни плочки (включително и мрамор) на закрито и открито.
1399лвOnline price

Бърза доставка

Преглед на пратката

Право на връщане


CERESIT CE 40 grout is used for grouting granite flooring and wall coverings, ceramic, glass and stone tiles (including marble) indoors and outdoors. CERESIT CE 40 grout has a water-repellent effect - water droplets remain on the surface and do not absorb into the structure of the joint.
Finds application for use in:
- Bathrooms, shower cabins
- For grouting glued tiles on gypsum board, chipboard and OSB boards.

Additional information about the product, as well as its cost rate can be found in the Technical Documentation.



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