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Product Number 0905020066

  • C60N + circuit breaker
  • One pole
  • Curve C
  • Acti 9 Reflex iC60
  • Switching power: 6000A
  • Rated voltage: 400V
1509lvOnline price

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Automatic fuse 1P 32A 6KA E60N + SCHNEIDER 0905020063-new_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0905020068-new_246x246_pad_478b24840a
4937 lv


SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC C60N+ single-pole circuit breaker, 32A, Curve C, Acti 9 Reflex iC60. Extreme power 6000A. Rated voltage 400V. With built-in control functions for DIN rail mounting, which ensures absolute safety, optimum business continuity and extended service life. Application: residential, public and industrial buildings. Exclusive possibility: compliant with BDS EN 60898, Icn maximum exclusive possibility.


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