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Product Number 0803040012

Мощна система за фино пръскане, специално разработена за малки и средни по обем задачи. Висока пулверизация, която дава възможност за прецизно нанасяне на лакове, политури и други. Мощност 280W.
13990лвSpecial price

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Powerful fine spraying system , specially designed for small and medium-sized tasks. High spraying, which allows for precise application of varnishes, polishes and others. The paint gun has a power of 280W and the power cable is 2 meters long.
It has a Click&Paint system , in which the paint tank can be detached from the turbine in one simple movement.
The Click&Paint system has the following advantages:
- Quick color change
- Easy replacement of attachments for different types of work
- Extremely easy to clean
- High spraying, which allows for precise application of varnishes, polishes, wood preservatives and others.
The WAGNER paint spray gun has a 3-position adjustment and smooth jet adjustment.


24 месеца

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