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Product Number 0402010188

  • For a plumbing installation for waste water
  • For connecting two pipes in series
  • Service life: over 50 years
  • Easy and quick installation
  • Diameter: f50 mm
  • Length: 22 cm
525лвOnline price

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PVC Compensation sleeve f50 0402010014-new_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0402010015-new_246x246_pad_478b24840a
750 лв


PVC compensation sleeve with size f50 mm and length 22 cm. For plumbing installation for waste water. The joint is used to successively connect two pipes during the construction of a sewage system. It is also used when the pipe needs to be extended. Polyvinyl chloride /PVC/, from which the compensation sleeve is made, is a material with a high degree of wear resistance, it withstands extreme temperatures and does not allow the formation of corrosion. It has a service life of over 50 years, is resistant to mechanical impact. Installation of the sleeve is quick and easy.



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  • Колко е дълга компресорната муфа.Имате ли пвц трус ф45 трябва ми спешно около 30 см.

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