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Product Number 0806100805

  • Socket wrenches 6-22 mm
  • Set of 10 pieces: 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 22 mm
  • Made of CrV steel
  • With 6-edge or 12-edge head profile
  • High strength
  • Wear and load resistance
  • With phosphate coating that protects them from corrosion
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Combination wrenches 6-22mm phosphated 10 pieces MTX 0806020036-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0806010355-359-krystata-otvertka-ph2-h-150-mm-cr-v_246x246_pad_478b24840a
3909 lv


MTX brand 10-piece combination wrenches 6-22 mm phosphated. Made of CrV steel. Designed for opening and tightening fasteners with a size of 6-22 mm with a 6-edge or 12-edge head profile. The inner surface of the circular hole allows the wrench to be rotated only 30 degrees, which facilitates work in confined spaces. The wrenches are used for installation work and will be useful in construction, during repairs, as well as at home or in the garage.


  • The tools are distinguished by high strength, as they are made of steel from the group of chrome-vanadium alloys using hot forging technology
  • The wrenches are hardened and tempered, the hardness of the working parts is between 42-47 HRC, therefore they are resistant to wear and load
  • A long service life is guaranteed by the phosphate coating that protects the products from corrosion



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