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Product Number 0502030008

Това е универсална почва за засаждане на растения и поникване на семена за домашна употреба. Продуктът съдържа висококачествен неутрализиран фин торф и стартерни торове. Тази почва е подходяща за малки саксии и тарини както и за присаждане в по-големи саксии и контейнери.
2067лвOnline price

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Potting mix is a universal soil for planting plants and sprouting seeds for home use of the MIKSKAAR brand. This soil is suitable for small pots and pans, as well as for transplanting into larger pots and containers. The product contains high quality neutralized fine peat and starter fertilizers. The substrate can be used to improve the soil in the garden or greenhouse. The mixture is suitable for popular flowers such as: chrysanthemums, pelargoniums, violets, anthuriums, petunias, begonias, kalanchoes, red hydrangeas and green plants. Herbs: basil, oregano, thyme, etc. Vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, hot peppers, etc. The level of fertilization is medium, which makes the substrate suitable for most plants at home. Includes starter fertilizers containing all the necessary macro and micronutrients for plant development. 3-4 weeks after use, additional fertilization with dry or liquid fertilizers is desirable. Most nutrients are best absorbed at pH levels of 5. 5-6. 5, and this is the pH range of most ornamental plants and vegetables.Therefore, this substrate should not be used for plants that like more acidic environments such as: heather, camellia, hydrangea, rhododendrons and others. The product is available in a package of 50 liters.


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