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Product Number 1106010322

  • Quick-drying sanitary silicone sealant Turbo SOUDAL
  • Very fast hardening in depth
  • For sealing joints in sanitary and other wet rooms between showers, bathtubs and walls (tiled), between walls and sinks, between floors and toilet
  • Suitable for joints in kitchens and cold rooms
  • Permanently elastic after hardening
  • Color-resistant and UV-resistant
  • Mold-resistant
749lvTop price

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Silicone sanitary white Turbo 280ml SOUDAL 0401030150-kran-spiratelen-1-2-h-3-8-schell-comfort-yglov-schell_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0401010020-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
2166 lv


Silicone sanitary white Turbo 280 ml SOUDAL.



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