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Product Number 0505030272

  • WEBER Pizza Spatula
  • Material: stainless steel
  • Dimensions: 57 x 32 cm
  • Retractable sturdy handle
  • Compact storage
  • Easy lifting and moving of pizzas
  • Suitable for cleaning in a dishwasher
10100лвOnline price

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WEBER pizza spatula. Dimensions: 57 x 32 cm. Sprinkle some flour, roll out your dough and season it with whatever you like. The sturdy stainless steel pizza spatula makes it easy to slide the dough onto the pizza stone or grill. Serving the hot pizza with a golden crust and melted cheese is also an easy task with the spatula.

The durable pizza spatula is made of sturdy stainless steel and a black rubber handle that is strong enough to withstand the weight of pizzas on the barbecue. When you're done with the spatula, you can turn the handle inward for compact storage, hang it with the integrated handle hole, or pop it in the dishwasher for quick and hassle-free cleaning.


  • Material: stainless steel
  • Dimensions: 57 x 32 cm
  • Retractable sturdy handle
  • Compact storage
  • Easy to lift and move pizzas
  • Dishwasher safe



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