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Product Number 0502080254

  • Garden plant rods bamboo U-shaped
  • Set of 3 pcs.
  • Height: 60 cm
  • Raw material of natural origin
  • Suitable for indoor and garden plants
  • High durability and resistance to weather conditions
  • Do not absorb water
  • Resistant to breakage and flexible
396лвOnline price

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Garden plant stakes U-shaped bamboo. Set of 3 pcs. Height: 60 cm. Bamboo stakes are a raw material of natural origin, characterized by high durability and weather resistance; they are insensitive to temperature changes - they do not absorb water. For this reason, bamboo stakes are very suitable for both indoor and garden plants. They are resistant to breakage, but at the same time flexible, giving the plant a stable support and safe growth. In addition, bamboo poles are very easy to install and extend existing structures. One stick is enough to raise the plant - you can, of course, place two or three to create different structures for raising the plant.
Bamboo poles, longer than 200 cm, provide quality support for trees and plants with long stems, such as beans, for example. They can also be used as structural elements for various structures, such as stairs, pergolas or even pavilions.
Bamboo is a material preferred especially for open-air settlements. The bamboo stake does not rot or break from water and from very wet and boggy soils.

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