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Product Number 0205010315

  • Fast-acting contact primer for concrete
  • Powerful adhesion, creates a non-slip surface
  • For difficult substrates including tile on tile, chipboard, etc.
  • For absorbent and non-absorbent foundations
  • For internal and external use
  • Drying time: 2-6 hours depending on working conditions
  • Consumption: 0.1-0.3 kg/sq.m depending on the type of base
  • Packaging: 5 kg
2399лвOnline price

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Concrete contact primer ST 19 - 5kg CERESIT 0206040039-new_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0206010208-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
2772 лв


Concrete contact primer ST 19 - 5 kg CERESIT. CERESIT CT 19 is a quick-setting primer for safe bonding between ceramic coatings, natural stone, floors and wall cement substrates and critical surfaces. For internal and external use. CT 19 is used to prepare the base before applying adhesive for laying ceramic tiles, wall and floor coverings and before applying plaster. CT 19 is a perfect solution for all absorbent and non-absorbent bases.

Main advantages:

  • Recommended for smooth and non-absorbent surfaces such as smooth concrete, OSB boards, ceramic tiles, mosaics
  • Recommended for difficult foundations
  • Improves adhesion to the base
  • Creates an abrasive bonding layer
  • Quick drying and highly effective
  • Thixotropic - does not pour from vertical surfaces

The product is not recommended for application on metal substrates, substrates made of artificial materials or substrates with rigid PVC coatings.



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