Product Number 0201020262
High-quality water-soluble paint with a satin finish, intended for exterior and interior painting of surfaces made of wood, metal, PVC, MDF, chipboard, glass and others. The product has excellent weather resistance, good adhesion on various substrates and excellent resistance of the coatings against adhesion during hot pressing.
- For all surfaces - MDF, chipboard, PVC, wood, metal, etc.
- Water soluble
- Application: various surfaces in the interior and exterior
- Maximum resistance for exterior use
- Ideal for: renovation of various furniture (kitchen cabinets, sections, wardrobes), doors, window frames, etc.
- Easy to apply, spreads evenly
- No pungent smell
- High coverage, high resistance to frequent washing
Main features:
- Cover: Satin
- Consumption: 15 - 18 sq.m./l. for 1 layer
- Dry touch/full: 30 min./24 hours
- Dilution: up to 5% with water
Suitable foundations:
- MDF, chipboard
- PVC, wood, metal, glass
- Ceramic tiles (on walls)
- Lime-sand screeds
- Cement plasters, bricks
- Concrete, plasters, plasterboard
- Strong coatings from old latex paints
Method of application:
- Mix the product well before use. If necessary, the paint is diluted up to 5% with water. It works at a temperature of 5°C to 30°C.
- The first layer is applied to the surfaces prepared for painting with a brush, roller or airless gun.
- When painting new wood, it is recommended to lightly sand the dried first coat to remove bristly wood fibers.
- The next layer is applied after 3-4 hours at the earliest. Recommended number of layers: 2.
- Cleaning of tools or splashed surfaces - with water before drying.
IMPORTANT! Surfaces painted with LEKO TotALL paint can be washed after 2 weeks.
- Предназначение
- Универсални
- Цвят
- Алпин
- Пакет
- 0.700мл
- Серия
- Сатен
- Марка
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