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Product Number 0606050139

  • Aluminum foil
  • Dimensions: 8 m x 45 cm
  • For grilled dishes
  • Preserves the nutritional qualities of the products
  • Resistant to high temperatures
489лвOnline price

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Aluminum foil 8m x 45cm for grill 0606050019-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0606050024-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1257 лв


Aluminum foil. It is available in the form of a roll measuring 8 m x 45 cm. Intended for grilled dishes. Perfect for roasting potatoes and other treats.
The foil can be used for baking, to preserve the freshness of food, to freeze, to prepare stewed dishes. Preserves the nutritional qualities of the products, maintains the temperature of the food for long periods, preserves the aroma.
High temperature resistant, waterproof, grease resistant.
Attention: Do not place the film near electricity and do not use it at a temperature higher than 220 degrees; do not use for wrapping metal containers; the salt contained in the food can cause tiny holes, to avoid spread the foil with a thin layer of oil.



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