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Product Number 1006020419

  • Wooden decorative wall panels
  • Material: MDF
  • Laminated surface - heat resistant, suitable for built-in lighting
  • Attractive 3D effect and authentic wood relief
  • The lampshade can be arranged on different levels
  • Slat size: 1296 x 132 x 12 mm
  • Number of slats in a package: 8 pieces
  • Available as a package
  • The advertised price is for one paneling package with 8 slats measuring 1296 x 132 mm. One package covers an area of 1.37 sq.m
3890lv/m2Online price

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Package price: 53.29 lv.


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Wall panels 3D wall paneling MDF K461 Oak Volcano Antique - 1.37 sq.m/pack. 0306030138-skobi-za-3d-lamperija_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0302140019-krak-konus-50mm-mat-hrom_246x246_pad_478b24840a
7039 lv


The wall panels K461 Oak Volcano Antique of the KRONOSPAN brand are made of high-quality MDF. They are made of single slats with dimensions of 1296 x 132 mm and a thickness of 12 mm. The panels have a laminated surface that is heat resistant and also suitable for recessed lighting. Thanks to the innovative mounting brackets by means of which the panels are mounted, they can be arranged at different levels to achieve an attractive 3D effect. All of this adds depth and style, as well as the ability to make a stronger visual impact in any interior space.

Decorative 3D wall panels have a high-quality texture with glossy and matte effect, which refract light at different angles and create an elegant and authentic feeling. Pores and recesses follow the pattern of the decor and are reminiscent of the natural surface of natural materials such as stone and wood.

The wooden panels K461 Oak Volcano Antique KRONOSPAN are a new contemporary approach in interior design, with which you can turn the wall into an accent in any interior. It impresses with the characteristic traces of wood processing, strong unadulterated wood details and authentic wood relief.


  • Material: MDF
  • Slat size: 1296 x 132 x 12 mm
  • Number in package: 8 pieces
  • Roof area with one package: 1.37 sq.m
  • Click System: 3D Style
  • Authentic wood relief
  • Laminated surface
  • The advertised price is for one pack of paneling with 8 slats measuring 1296 x 132mm
  • One package covers an area of 1.37 sq.m



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