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Product Number 0502030083

  • Mineral soil improver perlite
  • Purpose: for flowers and vegetables
  • Composition: nutrients, silicon
  • To strengthen young plants
  • Chemically inert, non-toxic, non-hydroscopic
  • Stabilizes soil moisture
  • Contributes to rapid growth
  • Package: 3 l
599лвOnline price

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Mineral improver for soil perlite 3l 0502080004_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502030070-universalen-bio-torfen-substrat-10l_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1397 лв


Mineral soil improver perlite of the AGRO brand. Designed for flowers and vegetables. Composition: nutrients, silicon.
The product is a light, granular, porous mass of white color obtained by heat treatment of raw perlite. It is a natural material suitable for strengthening young plants. It has a low bulk density with a large number of pores. Chemically inert, non-toxic, non-hydroscopic.

Perlite aerated substrates stabilize soil moisture, increase efficiency in the use of fertilizers and contribute to the good and rapid growth of cultivated plants. Perlite optimizes the resistance of young plants against moisture, cold, microorganisms and fungi.
The product is available in a package of 3 l.


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