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Product Number 0605010813

  • Dishwasher cleaning liquid
  • Removes hidden dirt
  • Removes grease and limescale
  • Packaging: 250 ml
789лвSpecial price

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Finish dishwasher liquid 250ml 0605010057-sol-za-sydomijalna-1-5-kg-finish_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0605010059-technost-za-bljasyk-0_246x246_pad_478b24840a
2467 лв


FINISH brand dishwasher cleaning liquid. The preparation has a powerful two-layer formula. Removes dirt from seemingly inaccessible places, leaving your machine clean and fresh. Removes grease and limescale. A cleaner dishwasher means cleaner dishes.
The dishwashing liquid is available in a 250 ml package.

Instructions for use:

1. Use the detergent when the dishwasher is empty!
2. Remove only the sticker, not the cap.
3. Place the vial bottom up in the lower basket as you would a plate without opening the cap.
4. Run the empty dishwasher on a program operating at least at 65°C.


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