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Product Number 0607030402

  • Wall clock with thermometer and hydrometer
  • Dimensions: f265 x 45 mm
  • Gray PVC frame
  • Glass cover
  • Simple design - black numbers on a white dial
2839лвOnline price

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Wall clock with thermometer and hydrometer f265 x 45mm 0905080047_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0602080160_246x246_pad_478b24840a
4307 лв


Wall clock with thermometer and hydrometer. The clock is round in shape with dimensions f265 x 45 mm. Made with a gray PVC frame and a glass cover that is a secure protection for the internal mechanisms.
The thermometer measures the temperature and the hydrometer the humidity of the air. Controlling the indoor temperature, especially during the heating season, saves energy, protects the environment and is important for your health. The ideal temperature is 18 to 22°C.
By controlling the indoor temperature, you can save money on heating - up to 6% per one degree difference in temperature, while at the same time feeling good.
The hydrometer measures the humidity of the air. With proper air humidity, you will feel much better. The ideal humidity is: 40-60%.
The watch features a simple design - black numbers on a white dial.

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