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Product Number 0605040419

  • Fresh air car air freshener
  • Series: Smile
  • For hanging the mirror
  • Aroma: fougere, woody
  • Avoid contact with other surfaces
  • Store and use at temperatures from 5°C to 30°C
119лвOnline price

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Fresh air car air freshener from the Smile series of the AREON brand. For hanging the mirror. Aroma: fougere, woody.
Smile at these little friends and enjoy the freshness in your car!
Method of use:
For a longer lasting effect, work out the flavoring gradually as shown in the diagram.
Hang to hang freely without obstructing the driver's view. Avoid contact with any other surfaces as the perfume may damage them. To be stored and used at temperatures from 5°C to 30°C.



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