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Product Number 0502040701

  • Ipomoea red flower seeds
  • An annual plant
  • Beautiful wrap flower
  • Blooms profusely in red
  • Prefers sunny and wind-protected places
  • For vertical landscaping of fences, gazebos, etc.
  • Height: 250 cm
179лвOnline price

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Ipomoea red flower seeds 0502040702-semena-za-cvetja-ipomeja-miks_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502040123-semena-gramofonche-sinio_246x246_pad_478b24840a
537 лв


Ipomea red flower seeds of the MY NATURE brand. An annual plant. A beautiful winding flower, impressive with its abundant red bloom. Blooms in summer and fall. It prefers sunny and wind-protected places, moderate moisture and well-drained soil. The seeds are large and are sown directly in their permanent place from the end of March to the beginning of April. Sow 5-6 seeds in small, shallow holes or in rows 50 cm apart. As growth occurs, thin out by removing the smallest plants and leaving just one every 50 cm. During the growing period, it should be watered abundantly. For maximum effect, provide a support to wrap around. For more abundant blooms, regularly remove dried flowers.
Ipomoea is mainly used for vertical landscaping of fences, gazebos, decorative trellises or pergolas. It grows quickly and creates a dense green curtain.
Height: 250 cm.


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