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Product Number 0502040679

  • Flower seeds Cobblestone single
  • Annual low-growing plant
  • Likes sun exposure
  • Drought tolerant
  • Prefers light (sandy) soils
  • It blooms profusely in different colors
  • It does not require special care
  • Height: 10 cm
179лвOnline price

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Flower seeds Cobblestone single mix 0502040682-semena-za-cvetja-ageratum-miks_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502040680-semena-za-cvetja-kaldyrymche-dvojno-miks_246x246_pad_478b24840a
537 лв


Flower seeds Cobblestone single mix of the brand MY NATURE. Easy to grow and very drought tolerant low growing flower. An annual plant.
Cobblestone loves full sun and tolerates drought. Prefers light (sandy) soils.
Fill a pot or box with soil, level and press for contact. Water in advance. Spread the seeds evenly and cover with a thin layer of soil, as the seeds are very small and may not germinate if sown deep. Stems are prostrate and spread laterally rather than in height.
It blooms abundantly, in different colors. It does not require special care.
Height: 10 cm.


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