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Product Number 0102020159

  • Height: 25.5 cm
  • Height to spout: 21.0 cm
  • Type: chrome
  • A new kind of mechanism
  • Special type of filters
  • Modern and elegant design
  • Durability and ergonomics

14279лвOnline price

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Kitchen sink faucet from the Mezzo Essential Chrome series of the PYRAMIS brand. The faucet has ceramic discs in the mechanism that control the flow of hot and cold water with a slight movement of the handle. There is a special type of filters that provide a good water jet and at the same time reduce water consumption by up to 30% by mixing it with air.

Coating: Nickel layer thickness 14-15 microns and chrome layer thickness 0.25-0.30 microns for a coating with maximum durability and resistance to scratches and salt build-up.

Production process: a unique innovative galvanizing method that prevents the penetration of toxic metals such as lead and nickel, dangerous to human health, into drinking water.

All parts of PYRAMIS mixing batteries are made of non-toxic environmentally friendly materials with excellent mechanical properties and certified according to international quality standards NSF, WRc, KTW, DVGW.


  • Height 25.5 cm
  • Height to spout 21.0 cm
  • Type: chrome
  • A new kind of mechanism
  • Special type of filters
  • Modern and elegant design
  • Durability and ergonomics


60 месеца

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